Monday, December 31, 2012

One Tough Mother: New Year's Resolutions for 2013

I've always loved American Eagle's slogan, "Live Your Life". ?Kaiser Permanente has a good one, too: "Live well. ?Be well. Thrive."

Unfortunately, I think most of us spend our days going through the motions, and not truly living.

According to, the definition of living?is as follows: ?active or thriving; vigorous; strong; burning or glowing, as a coal; flowing freely, as water.

Are you living? ?Or are you just alive?

In 2012, I chose a word to focus on. ?That word was strength. ?I had never focused on a word for an entire year before, and wasn't sure what would transpire. ?The truth is, that word, and the attributes associated with it, kept popping up into my day-to-day life. ?We went through our trials and tribulations as a family, and I had to muster the strength to get through them all. ?I faced an impossible foe and had to have the strength to not only forgive, but ask for forgiveness. ?And now, I'm having to summon the strength to not send my only child away to boot camp at age 10 because she is starting the hormonal "tween" phase way too soon!

{I digress.}

I bet you can guess my word for 2013.


Simple. ?Profound.

I've broken my word down into three subcategories that I will focus on throughout the year. ?All of these three subcategories will help me live a better, fuller, and happier life.

Life has a tendency to get out of control from time to time if we allow it. ?One of my goals for 2013 is to simplify my life.
  • Enjoy more quiet time with my Savior - something I've been pushing aside lately.
  • Organize the hot spots at home in order to calm my OCD brain and get a good night's sleep.
  • Delegate more; worry less - I will assign chores to both my husband and my daughter and NOT go behind them to re-do what they've done.
  • Say "no" to those random tasks that pop up that I know I have no time or energy for, but always feel guilty for not helping with.
When I am old, I want to be able to sit in my rocking chair and remember a life well lived, full of adventures, colorful stories, and wonderful people. ?Right now, when I think of my life, I see work-dinner-chores-bed-wash-rinse-repeat...
  • Each month in 2013, I will try something I have never done before. ?It doesn't have to be anything huge or spectacular, just new. ?I'm working on a list - a few things I have include:
    • Shoot and own a gun (not a pink one, either - something tough).
    • Fly to NYC for the weekend with my mom and see a Broadway play.
    • Go camping on Cumberland Island with my husband and daughter and see the wild horses run
    • Take my hubby to a Red Wings game at the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit
  • I will make play time a priority this year - whether it's hiking or kayaking on the weekends in North Georgia with the family, or simply throwing a football around with my husband in the front yard, I will play.
I'm a huge fan of crafting and organizing. ?The problem is, I have so many ideas that I never actually attempt - out of fear, perhaps, or lack of know-how, or sometimes just plain laziness.
  • One way to help me create more in 2013 is by hosting a monthly linky party - Mission: Monthly Medium. ?This will be a way for me to experiment with new craft supplies and mediums, learn new tricks, and create something I would have only pinned on Pinterest before.
  • Creating isn't only about crafting. ?We create memories. ?We create family time. ?We create meals.
    • Create memories: Every Friday or Saturday night will be date night - alternating between date night with just my husband and myself, and family date night with our daughter. ?She splits her time between our house and her dad's house, so when she's with her dad, hubs and I have a quiet night to ourselves. ?When she's with us, we'll have family game/movie night.
    • Create deeper relationships: I recently told my husband that I want us, as a family, to read the Bible together every night. ?Dinner time is the perfect time for this, so we'll be using a 365-family devotion book at dinner.
    • Create a method to the madness: This ties in with my goal of simplifying. ?Room by room, I will create a more organized space in our home and a system to help us live a simpler life. ?We will purge, sort, and organize...then we can participate?more fully on our lives!
I'm very excited about 2013 and all it has to offer. ?I hope you'll join me on my journey as I share my adventures throughout the year.

What are your resolutions for 2013?


roseanne barr president green party day 26 new hunger games trailer sasquatch david choe national wear red day

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