Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Nashville Means Business at FilmNashville's Belcourt Town Hall ...

Nashville Means Business at FilmNashville's Belcourt Town Hall Meeting

Posted by Jim Ridley on Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 2:05 PM

If you want to get caught up on the latest events, issues and concerns in the local film and TV community, the place to be is The Belcourt for tomorrow night's annual Town Hall Meeting, sponsored by the nonprofit organization FilmNashville. Now in its 10th year, the meeting is FilmNashville's last major event before April's Film-Com Week, a film-market flurry of panels, screenings, and meetings with visiting film professionals and decision-makers.

Even without the yearly presentation of the Nashy Award for outstanding contributions to the growth of the city's film and cultural community ? this year's recipient is Beth Curley, president/CEO of Nashville Public Television ? there'll be plenty on the local film industry's mind, from the ongoing impact of ABC's Nashville on the local crew base to the never-ending discussion over production incentives.

Mayor Karl Dean will be on hand to present the Nashy, while WSMV anchor and documentary filmmaker Demetria Kalodimos serves as MC. In addition to those above, the meeting will feature brief updates from leaders representing area film festivals, trade organizations, broadcast entities, film schools and more. The event is free and open to the public, with a cash bar open until 11 p.m.

A full list of participating groups follows:

Town Hall Meeting: Nashville Film & Television

Presented by FilmNashville, Doors at 6:30pm, Meeting/Nashy Award at 7:00pm-8:30pm, Reception/Cash Bar until 11:00pm

Presentation of the NASHY AWARD For Outstanding Contributions to the Growth of the Nashville Film and Cultural Community

MC - Demetria Kalodimos, WSMV Anchor and Owner Genuine Human Productions

*The Honorable Mayor Karl Dean

*Beth Curley - President and CEO of NPT - NASHY RECIPIENT

*Richard Warren - Chairman of the Board of NPT

*Sally Jo Fifer - President and CEO of ITVS [The Independent Television Service]


Offices and Organizations:

Mayor?s Office of Film & Special Events
Marilyn Edwards - Director, Film & Special Events

Tennessee Film, Entertainment & Music Commission
Gisela Moore - Project Manager

AFFT - Association for the Future of Film & Television
Jan Austin - Founder

Robyn Morshead - Founder and Executive Director

Belcourt Theatre
Stephanie Silverman - Executive Director

54 Film Fest
James Thayer - Founder and Director

Andy van Roon - Chairman/GM

Jeff Chase - President

International Black Film Festival Nashville
Hazel Joyner Smith - Founder and Executive Director
Ingrid Brown - Co-Boss Person

Nashville Composers Association
Geoff Koch - President

Nashville Film Festival
Ted Crockett - Executive Director

Nashville Screenwriters Conference
Will Akers - NSC Board and Provocateur

NECAT Network
Kim Hayes - Executive Director

SAG/AFTRA Nashville
Randy Himes - Executive Director

Tennessee Screenwriting Association
Bill Middleton - President

Women in Film & Television Nashville
Deborah Gordon - Madame President


Art Institute of Tennessee/Nashville
Deja Brandeis - Faculty, Digital Filmmaking & Video Production
Allie Sultan, Faculty - Digital Filmmaking & Video Production

Belmont University
Will Akers - Chair, Motion Pictures Program

Columbia State
Read Ridley - Director, Film Crew Technology Department

Nashville Film Institute
Prema Thiagarajah - Founder and CEO

Pearl Cohn Entertainment Magnet High School
Ernestine Wilson - Academy Coach

Tennessee State University
Melissa Richie - Assistant Professor, Department of Communications

Watkins College of Art, Design & Film
Ellen Meyer - President
Valorie Stover - Professor, The Film School


Bongo Java Roasting Company Family
*Bongo Java
*Bongo Java East
And check out the brand new Bongo/Belmont University Discussion Series at

John Jackson Photography


The Nashville Film/Television Town Meeting is hosted by the Belcourt Theatre and produced by FilmNashville.

Tags: FilmNashville, Town Hall Meeting, Film-Com, Belcourt, Karl Dean, Beth Curley, Nashville Public Television, AFFT, Jan Austin, Gisela Moore, Marilyn Edwards

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